
Friday, March 7, 2014

Update on Losing for Good

It is not easy to lose weight.  Is that a duh statement or what?  I know some women who after giving birth are just able to melt off the weight through breastfeeding.  It doesn't seem to work that way for me.  Seven weeks ago I published a challenge to myself to lose 30 lbs in 30 weeks.  I asked for your support in the form of a pledge to Heifer International (it's not too late to pledge!)

In the past seven weeks I've lost and gained and lost again.  Right now I've lost 7 lbs net since the start of the challenge, so as long as I keep losing an average of a lb a week then I'm on track!

I know eating is the biggest factor and at first I was tracking my eating on the My Fitness Pal app, but I slacked off.  I have to get back on track with that, it's a pain, but it works.

I've started teaching yoga again and working out some (Chiquita loves doing Zumba Wii with me), but exercise with a newborn is challenging when it's so cold outside.  I don't want to take Chato to the daycare at the gym and I work from home so babysitting time is precious for getting work done.  I can work out at home, but I worry about Chiquita trying to play on our home gym equipment so I try to keep her off those (lots of excuses, huh?)

Besides pledging I would LOVE to hear what weight loss techniques have actually worked for you, especially if you are/were a new mom.

P.S. I need to report more often.  Just writing this prompted me to workout & skip the chocolate I'd been eyeing.


  1. Replying to this comment would be a good idea.

    1. Well hey there and raspberries to you, too!

      Thanks for calling back. I always enjoy our phone conversations.
