
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Homemade I-Spy Bag on the Cheap

I'd made a discovery bottle when Chiquita was little with limited interest from Chiquita.  She mainly wanted/wants to try and take the lid off.  I'd wanted to make an I-Spy bag but had never got around to buying the vinyl and plastic and everything to make a "real" one.  So I finally decided to improvise!

Supplies I used:
  • sandwich bag (probably a freezer version would be studier, but I wanted a smaller one to try and didn't have small freezer bags, I also considered double bagging)
  • cute duct-tape
  • left-over blue Rainbow Rice (it never seems to end)
  • objects to find
    • novelty buttons (jack-o-lantern, blue bird, snowman, snowflake, ladybug)
    • small spool of thread
    • eraser
    • plastic butterfly hair clip (the back was broken)
    • die
    • jingle bell
I just filled up the sandwich bag, left a little air and duct taped around the edges.  It leaves a window on both sides.  It would be more sturdy if I covered the back but I thought it was fun to have more looking space. 

We'll see how long it holds up.  The great part is if it breaks it cost me practically nothing to make and I can make another in seconds!


  1. That's pretty cool! I remember when Cimmy made one for Princess, and Boy took to it pretty fast. I think hers was a little more involved, though.

  2. Oh how pretty! Definitely a must try with my little mister. I would love for you to add this, and others of your wonderful ideas, to my weekly Mom's Library Link-Up every Wednesday.

    Be blessed,
    Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk

  3. What a really good idea. The Blue makes it so pretty.

  4. Fun idea and you could put letters or numbers in the bag to make it a unique learning game! Stopping by from For the Kids. Thanks for sharing. Hope to see you at True Aim!

  5. great idea...thanks for sharing on Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land!!
