
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Brown Paper People

Thanks to Swagbucks I was able to get Chiquita a new scooter for FREE!  When it came the box had a bunch of long paper packing paper.  I knew we needed to do something fun with such a big piece of paper. 

The last time we had a big piece of packing paper I just taped it up on the wall and let Chiquita color from a different perspective.  This time I thought we'd make body outlines.  I actually outlined Chato first - he was so well behaved!  Then it was Chiquita's turn and I made sure her skirt was part of the outline for my fashionista.

I was able to use the perforations to separate the two outlines.  Then I brought out paint for Chiquita to decorate herself.  She had so much fun!  I had originally done the outlines in crayon but I could tell it wasn't dark enough because Chiquita was having trouble figuring out where her legs, face, etc. were, so I traced the outline with a giant sharpie.

She really enjoyed the paint - we haven't been painting as much lately.  It was fun to watch because she asked for black last and when I added it to her plate she ended up mainly just swirling it around creating really cool patterns.  Beautiful!

Since Chato is still too young for just about any sort of decorating we saved his outline and the next day she decorated both his outline and added more to hers with crayon.
I hung both of them up in our kitchen and Chiquita loves comparing how big she is next to Chato.  We may end up decorating more, this is an easy project to extend with different materials.


  1. So adorable! I am the same way about saving packaging :) Brown paper bags make wonderful canvases, we even made an a DIY Aquadoodle out of one!

  2. What a fun idea! Brown paper is such a great art element. Thank you so much for linking this wonderful post up to The Sunday Showcase.
