
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

P es de Pinguino

I found a bunch of activities to do around P is for Penguin, but so far we're only had time to make a letter craft.  As always I had Chiquita color this letter P coloring page from while I got our supplies ready.  During this part I found out we really need to buy more construction paper - we have no black!  We also need to restock googly eyes (I've included some affiliate posts in case you're in the same situation).

I'm nothing if not resourceful though and a black crayon made white paper work.  After Chiquita and I colored the whole page black I cut out a big letter P and an eye.  Out of orange construction paper I made a beak and two feet.  (I got the idea from a multiplicity of sources so if you want other looks just google P is for Penguin, no original thought here!)

I always lay out the finished picture for Chiquita to see and then deconstruct it to look at the letter.  We talked for a little bit about letters that start with P.  She's not quite got the sound/letter connection yet since she really wanted 'goldfish' to start with P.

Then we glued it all together! 


  1. Very cute!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  2. Very cute. Thanks for sharing on Tuesday Tots. I've featured this post this week :)

  3. I love that she wanted "goldfish" to start with P! Thanks for sharing at the Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop!
