
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

N es de Nido

I think I've got summer-itis.  I haven't posted much because we've been at the park and just playing outside, I don't want to be indoors! I thought that was supposed to stop when you don't go to school anymore!

We did get around to our next letter craft, the letter N for Nido (Nest).  I knew Chiquita would like this craft since we have barn swallows with a nest right by our front door (conveniently pooping all over my front porch, but the babies are so cute!). 

For our nest I cut a bunch of letter Ns out of brown paper (I used old packaging paper, paper bags would also work well).  I put glue in a vague bowl shape on the paper and Chiquita glued down all the letter Ns.  For some reason she decided they looked like letter Hs.  I guess the middle line is just a little more tilted, I never would have thought of it though.

After we have a good nest we added 3 blue eggs.  I was ready to be done here, but Chiquita said it needed a mommy and daddy bird to take care of the eggs.  She picked the color yellow and I did my best to cut out something the resembled birds.  She added the eyes with marker.

Once again, I thought we were done!  Chiquita disagreed.  The picture needed a big sister bird!  We are trying for a new addition to our family so I get excited when she is interested in siblings.


1 comment:

  1. I love your alphabet series!! Making the "twigs" out of N shapes is such a good idea! Would you mind if I featured your alphabet activities on my blog?
