
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Say It Two Ways - Music and Dance

My favorite posts from last week were about teaching culture through music and dance!

Crafty Moms Share linked up her post on making tingsha bells, an instrument from Tibet as part of their Chinese New Year's celebration.  I love tingsha bells and use them all the time as a yoga teacher.  They are traditionally used in meditation.

Gift of Curiousity shared a post about her kids impromtu "Lion Dance" a dance that is traditionally part of the Chinese New Year's celebration.  You know that kids have really soaked up the culture you've shared with them when their own pretend time involves cultural references.  Also Chiquita and I love dancing.

Speaking of dancing, Chiquita, Daddy and I went to see traditional Chinese dances during our Family Field trip to the Chinese New Year Celebration in Salt Lake City, UT.  Chiquita danced from the audience!

On to the link-up!! How have you used music and dance to help children learn language and culture?


  1. How wonderful that you are able to see traditional Chinese dancing!

  2. Thank you for featuring our Chinese instruments and for hosting!

    1. You're welcome! I really love tingsha bells. Great craft.

  3. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
