
Friday, January 11, 2013

Reflections on Bathtime

Dr. Chiquita with her patients
Chiquita loves bath time! We've never tried to do anything planned, but it's always been good playtime and a way to reflect on our day.

For example, we went to the doctor and that night (and the next few days) she played doctor with all her bath toys.

The doctor had been really upsetting for her so it was great to hear her talking first about how the doctor was going to make her toys better. Next she had me be the doctor and finally she was the doctor. Every patient got medicine and a Hello Kitty bandaid.  Can you guess what kind of bandaids we have?

I'm sure a psychologist would have more to say about it, but even I could tell it was therapeutic.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Have you read Lawrence Cohen's book "Playful Parenting". In it he talks about exactly the situation you describe - how children can play out fearful experiences and regain power and security. He agrees that role play is therapeutic. Thanks for sharing this on Sunday Parenting Party. I'm pinning to the SPP pinterest board for others to see.
