
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Playing in the Snow

It's been SO cold here that I really hadn't played in the snow much with Chiquita.  Just to and from the car and once up and down the street and snow angels.

Yesterday I read this post "10 Reasons to Play Outside this Winter" and I knew that needed to change, I just had to get over my fear of the cold.  It snows here for 5-6 months of the year and Chiquita needs to be outside so since today was the last day above freezing for a while this was it!
We made a "snowman".  Really I made a snow pillar which Chiquita happily destroyed.  We also made more snow angels and lots of tracks in the snow.  *Bonus* when we went out a big herd of deer happened to be hanging out in my neighbor's lawn.

So ok, we were only out there for like 15 minutes because my hands started freezing, but it's a start.  We'll be out again.  Chiquita will not let me re-neg on that resolution!


  1. Yay! Good for you! I'm so happy that my little post gave you the push you needed to get outside.
    We live in eastern Canada, where the winters are long, cold, and snowy. I totally get where you are coming from with the reluctance to go out.
    Someone commented on my post that dressing properly (not just your daughter, but you) makes all the difference and I couldn't agree more. I'm out there in the full kit, including snow pants and it is so much more enjoyable that way.
    And try heating up a little hot chocolate before you go out. Put some in a travel mug for you and a sippy cup for your daughter and that can help make being out there a little more bearable!

  2. Good for you! I am a teacher of 3-4 year olds & we are now committed to being outside for the first hour of each school day & it gets easier & more of a habit a time goes by - of course we never get as cold as you! Thanks for linking up this week. Kierna

  3. Lovely snow pic. We have had none in Cornwall but lots of lovely snow play up on my Country Kids linky this week. Do come and add this one too. Hopping over from the outdoor play party.
