
Thursday, January 31, 2013

C es de Cocodrilo (Crocodile)

Chiquita loves cocodrilos, though maybe not like you would expect. Once when we were at a Chinese buffet we gave her garlic green beans and she declared they were "cocodrilos" - crocodiles!

So we started our Cocodrilo letter C activity with our quick version of chinese-style garlic green beans.  We start with a handfull of fresh green beans and season them with a dash of salt, pepper, garlic powder and kiwicha powder.  We add the kiwicha powder to everything now that Chiquita has decided she's vegetarian and we worry about her getting enough protein.  Then we microwave it with a little butter either covered or in a sandwich bag, for a minute or so.  She LOVES them.

Last night we started making our crocodile by painting the top side of an egg carton green and the inside red for the mouth.  I took two egg "bottoms" and painted them white for eyes, making the sharpie pupils when they dried.  I also cut out a bunch of letter Cs from a cardboad box.

This morning everything was dry and I attached the jaws (just with staples) and Chiquita fed the Cocodrilo letter Cs.

Later in the day she asked for the "crocodile song".  I have a habit of making up songs for her and then forgetting them so this time I recorded it on my phone - good idea since she asked me to repeat it 20 times!!  I will try to remember this in the future to avoid sadness like the "Hello Kitty Ballerina" song incident :).

See all the other Spanish/English alphabet crafts we've done!


  1. My son is fascinated by this crocodile! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is so fun! I would love to make the cocodrilo with my preschoolers, but it is pretty complicated for the time we have. I think I'll have to make it at home and let them feed it in Spanish class! (We have always written and pronounced the word cocodrilo in Spanish with just one l. Is this a regional difference?)

    1. I can't believe I misspelled it so many times! You are correct, and we do pronounce it cocodrilo.

  3. Ever since I realized that millions of people say "frejol" instead of frijol, I never assume anything! I actually have to change my vocabulary with my in-laws in Peru. If I refer to my bolsa, they look baffled until I clarify cartera - just one of hundreds of examples. Misspelling I understand (I'm an expert at it); I'm just glad to know it isn't another variation I have to learn!

  4. Love this croc!! Thanks for sharing and please join us again this week at Eco-Kids Tuesday!
