
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A es de Araña

For Spanish for Preschoolers we introduced the letter A!  We talked about some of the words in Spanish that start with A, like abeja (bee), arbol (tree), alce (moose), and araña (spider).

Then we colored this cute araña letra A printable from

We sang Itzi Bitzi Araña (just like itsy-bitsy spider). You can find the lyrics at

Next we read "La Araña Muy Ocupada" (The Very Busy Spider) by Eric Carle.  The kids loved making all the animal noises!

Finally we made our adorable spider craft. Chiquita and I did a little prep work before class for this one.  We just cut toilet paper rolls into about 1 inch thick circles and painted them different colors (both outside and in).  That way they were dry for class and ready to become spider bodies.

The kids each picked their spider bodies and 4 pipecleaners.  Most picked the same color pipe cleaners as their bodies but they look cute with contrasting legs too.

We punched 8 holes around the circle, leaving a space for the eyes.  Then the kids threaded their pipecleaners in through one hole and out through the opposite holes, turning the 4 pipecleaners into 8 legs.  We tied some white string (telaraña) around the middle where the pipecleaners intersect to keep them from sliding around and give the spiders some silk to hang from! 
Finally the kids glued on googly eyes and we bent the legs so they could stand.  Then it was time to play with the spiders!  As you can see they hung them around and danced with them and generally had a good time.

See all the other Spanish/English alphabet crafts we've done! 

1 comment:

  1. AAww, those are cute spiders! I wouldn't jump and run if I saw those in my house (like I do with those icky other spiders) ;-)

    Thanks for linking up with Sharing Saturday!
