
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Recycled Christmas Tree

Chiquita's first tree
We needed a little Christmas, right this very minute, so Chiquitita and I made a Christmas tree!

I filled a 2 liter bottle (I knew I'd kept them for something) with water and green food coloring.  Then I put dots of glue on the bottle and had Chiquita picked out sparkles to add like ornaments all over the tree.

I cut out 2 stars and Chiquita glued them to each side of the caps.
one of the remix trees

In the remix of this craft during Spanish for Preschoolers we experimented with pipe cleaner garland  - not on plastic!  But it did make great stars.  We also added pom-poms and sparkle glue.

Much fun, even if some of the moms had to ask what it was :)

FYI, can I tell you what my favorite part of making crafts with kids is?  If you're a not very good crafty adult you can make something too without the high standards of adults to bring you down.

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