
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Sensory bin

It's been a long time since I've done a sensory bin and I forgot how much Chiquitita loves them.  I just threw a winter/christmas themed one together for her.
  • rice
  • shredded paper (snow)
  • spangles
  • foam Christmas stamps
  • a few big snowflake ornaments
  • slotted spoon
  • measuring cup
She love the slotted spoon at first and picked out "finds".  I had to get her another container to put them in once I realized she was going to hold all of them in her hands.  Everything she found she had to announce to me.

Then she tired of her treasure hunt and started pouring back and forth with the measuring cup and spoon.

It was fun having both the heavy rice and light shredded paper as fillers because she could feel the difference as she played, the rice sank to the bottom and the shredded paper didn't pour quite as well.

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