
Monday, April 14, 2014

Homemade Peanut Butter Chocolate Eggs

This is more work than I usually go to for treats, but I'm really excited about these yummy Easter treats!  They are easy, just take a little time and two stages.  I'm planning on putting some of them in plastic Easter eggs for our Easter egg hunt with friends.  Kids could easily help with this, but Chiquita didn't this time (so they would turn out more uniform).

First Stage: Yummy peanut butter and chocolate centers!

  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup honey (or molasses or corn syrup)
  • 1 cup Chocolate Nesquik (you can use powdered milk if you want it to be more peanut buttery)
First wash your hands, cause you're going to use them!  Mix it together with a spatula first and then finish mixing with your hands to get all the Nesquik mixed in.  It should be about the consistency of playdough.  Take small amounts and roll them into egg shapes.  I was able to make 48 eggs, but it will vary depending on how big you want them. Place them on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper (or a left over Ferrero Roche tray like me) and freeze them until hard.

Second Stage: White candy coating!

Melt White Almond Bark (3 squares was exactly right for me) over low heat in a small sauce pan.  Dip the frozen eggs in the chocolate.  As you take them out let them drip over the pan a little to get off extra almond bark before placing them back on the wax paper.  They can just harden on the counter top. 

I wrapped some in foil  and stuck them in the freezer again so they wouldn't melt during our easter egg hunt.  The rest stayed out for eating and they are DELICIOUS!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how delicious!! Pinned for next year! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
